s e j n b o h e m i ae r o s a
d r a w i n g s I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII
Participants Journal
26/8 day 1 ALEX
27/8 day 2 JAKUB
28/8 day 3 SONIA
29/8 day 4 MIREIA
30/8 day 5 NATHALIE
31/8 day 6 EVA
1/9 day 7 VALERIE
2/9 day 8 JAKUB + ALEX
25.08.2003, Monday
4-6 PM Meeting in Wallenstein Palace in Jičín
6 PM Departure for ZEBIN through linden alley
6-8 PM Introduction to people and landscape
fire, some food, some stars
7-8 PM 1st group: Night in Castle
2nd group Night at Zebin Plateau
The description of the first day is likely to be reduced to gnome problem at Zebin.
1. years ago cultic place of late Bronze Age
Basaltic Interior
The gnome is sleeping in the middle of hill; sometimes he wakes up a wander around. Bronze age people are aware of his presence and make small sacrifices close to the top.
2. now
The gnome is revealed by quarry. He is not dangerous, he lives in different time, some kind of wisdom is associated with him, and he observes and moves. When in darkness you look directly in the centre of hill, there is something.
It is still, it alive, it slowly moves. It is ancient.
It has gathered some knowledge, but it is almost impossible to transform the knowledge into words. You will need years to get closer.
Then we go sleep.
Thinking almost. in stones slow movement, then looking in the sky ® red Mars, looking forward for Tuesday.
Slow movement makes creativity to happen.
26.08.2003, Tuesday
Leaving Jicin in the morning, walking through fields and corns and forest. With a …… time on volcano… where a castle was build in past, rocks of asphalt. A first straight line from the hill we climb the 25th. Then the forest: Lunch time and 70 minutes movement with the instruction of moving as slow as possible. All together moving in a close area, not too far to each other. Starting standing and being aware of each other. Be open. Danger of the spiralling in. Move articulation or members of body and knowing about moving. It is possible to have an intention put the head… on the tree and something else can happen between.
Swimming in the lake and writing a few words in 20 minutes about the picture we see, including sounds, movements. How we feel the landscape.
Walking round the hill with a paper on chest holding with left hand and a pencil with right hand, a point.
Plating test for the first ….
Tout semble porter par le vent
la douce surface argentée entre les roseuax
qui montent avec justesse,
les carpes en-dessous rompent le silence
et leurs presences agitent le sens
de ma respiration
comments of the 70 minutes slow movement and drawing exercises
I could feel my body aware and waking up. More I explored the more I enjoyed. How to get out when I get stuck and the… …… to ….., try to change the lead, the direction.
Breathing make moving bigger movement that I ….. …… .
Looking at landscape 1/2 hour
- from blue to yellow, every shade of green – silver waves trembling. Drawing drowning.
Like listening to music. You first have to stop and do just the listening.
The piece of landscape becomes familiar, more organised and limit full. I do structure what I see, although I didn’t plan it. I do organise it in lines, numbers, light and shade, limits. A person in looking at the lake from a wooden platform. Water plants are the protagonists. Neither she nor them do know they have a huge brown tree behind. (That’s about the drawing session)
70 min. – I was slowing down more and more, I was slower than a beetle, than a spider, then a wind – eyes slowly opening and closing, every time surprise what I will see when I open it the next time.
Drawing – „The reed growing up straight from the water“
„Miraculous dark places in the places in the reed bush“
„The water surface in a quiet constant movement“
70`- Movement doesn’t have beginning and end. Also stillness is never still but moving. I saw the speed of the trees. I wanted to be a tree, part of the forest I was. Fervidity. Infinity number of different speed in me outside me.
Drawing: filter. sumeron s`opice avalon. SIYAREA BLASSON erolois large de mesire. le lac bout l`ois. Chacachac owsul humus flote flauruchasse énié lent et Bloiq.
70`- Slow movements: sometimes when you want make movement so slowly you can’t because you … lost the stability and slowly are changing to fast. But only for while. Little branches crashing under my feet and make exciting feeling, the beetles don’t know that I’m not a tree, or leaves. Maybe I’m tree, leaves, and forest. It doesn’t matter. That only for a while.
Drawing – little stars shining like golden rain, carp jumps up the water like dolphins. It sounds like when you throw stone into the water. Sometimes they are trying to shock me. Basilisks.
Moving Slowly
Sometimes I wasn’t able to recognize, where the moving is going from, where it starts. Legs – move synchronically, less control.
Federal moving -? wasn’t able to move separately with different parts of my body & still have control.
If I start to watch something more detailed, I’m loosing connection with surrounding.
In 2nd half I finally lost/changed sense of time. What if there were to be a
tribe who all would do this on a daily base: how would that influence their communication?
(Now about the slow motion session) I didn’t get bored this time. Sometimes I really can’t concentrate. I managed this time to have a different experience of „the present“, and realised we have just invented it (for us to talk about out memories?) but our body doesn’t know what it is.
And also, the resistance of the mind to accept that there are no goals, no reasons, and no places to lead oneself to.
I could see some of us insisting on finding an excuse to move (i.e. I’m raising my hand to this stone because I want to have it of moving my knee up because I want to leave…)
Mireia Serra
Dry ground is very loudness / forest is vertical/ I am unit shape, but my exchangeable /branches – hands/ are we move what we can see? It was a very slow and quick walk at the sometime.
words from pond seeing as a picture (draftsman)
shaping to the left /two swan/
colour disappearing /four/ blindness shining
Standing not far from a huge tree. my eyes follow very slowly its big trunk, it is as if this big being went through my sex, while my knees pull me to the ground, my torso arches backwards in torsion. It’s full of [actions¬] opposite directions, I feel diagonals. In my ears, it’s full of information, the others make a lot of crackling, I move slower. One of my hand „fall on“ a fruit of an oak that goes into my mouth, my head goes the ground – full of little branches and leaves-, Now my ears follow my slowness. An insect bites me on my chin _ Quick! _ A branch sticks to a lip. I’ll never reach in ramping the nearest tree in time. Some branches seem to roll ground my legs. The upper branches of the trees are moved quicker than I am. Clouds and me are in a similar rhythm. Suddenly, in one brief movement, all my body – I even felt my hair! – jumps when someone sneezes. At the end of the 70` a ladybird runs on an arm. Each feeling from outside and inside are perturbed, everything „traces me“ – suspends-ion –
Na. M.
By the water
Dialogue between sun and lake that spreads out towards our daystar, which is drawing dark rays, 1 big in the middle 2 small backwards.
The water undulates in zigzags like long snakes
little dark and silver diamond shapes
The sun shines in 2 6, small+big one pointing àme
Carpés jumps making the 6 water spring
traces of swans
waves of water plants – 2 kinds of trees – upper trees colours
breath of the hill
Na. M.
27.08.2003, Wednesday
Zebín The chapel of St. Anna the place we slept Veliš
Second day of walk…..
After breakfast Mr. Cílek was speaking about the Jičín baroque landscape. About its nature character, past …
…breathing of a landscape…
you may get the feeling that the landscape is a slow dance, it reminds and evokes breathing in and out …
… baroque music and influence of perception of landscape on music of cantors…
…geometry of the manmade structures…
Ü mandals and the David’s star Þ balance between EARTH and SKY. Finding the balance …
n=6 Three archetypes used in buildings in a landscape – the chapel and Loretta …
Different layers of the landscape Þ Celtic settlement, Renaissance building Þ Baroque (Theatrum Mundi)
Zebín Jičín Loreta St. Anna
The landscape becomes the visible place of God‘s will and attempts.
Landscape becomes larger theatre…
The chapel of St. Anna
We go to the top of the small hill. Cílek prepared a candle in it. It is open and we step in. He talks about the building its symbolic meaning, colour on the wall, square desk with a relict of a Saint.
Than Frank talks about a WALKING in the landscape … We should find a principle of reciprocity in our walking Þ I walk in the landscape, I let the landscape come into me and through me.
We do not talk for 1 hour and walk.
We make nearly a circle round the hill with the chapel.
Jičín chapel our camp
Throughout the circle relations among other hills of JIČÍN`S LANDSCAPE appear.
„ If you know about the unnoticeable places, hidden chapels, springs, Loretta, your perception of the landscape changes definitely….”
„You try to understand what the landscape means for the people from past, how they perceived it, why they were trying to change it … .“
Entrance to Prachov sandstone rock city
We pass through a village,.. and enter to the ROCK CITY AREA … Typical sandstone forms are appearing we stop at a spot.
Frank talks: For letting the landscape in our body, the body has to be relaxed, a kind of transparency is necessary…RELAXED BODY
3 kinds of exercises follow
Þ from details the whole
Þ from surface deeper…
stretching, pulling, massaging
"Like in a heaven"
„great to be moved without making any effort…“
find the impulses to move from the outside… do not use the will…
At the cave
We go into the cave and spend about 10 min. of silence. Very strange feeling…
It seems as a stone but you feel it is alive in another way than a stone… What is it? (A PUZZLE) In the cave I notice a ray of light coming into the ultimate darkness from the outside…
I think I understand what it meant for the people in the past " To bring the light into the darkness. Indescribable physical feeling!
Drawing – Exercise with Miloš Šejn
Miloš explains what a cave is like:
„a negative space of outer light“
Then drawing of lines in a different time follows and also circle clockwise and opposite…
„To compare the results is more than funny“
Some had short swim in a small lake
Some try to swim with eyes shut. (water is refreshing rather cold)
Then it happens: The group splits, the tale got lost. Mr. Cílek is leading the lost tale and he doesn’t want to admit that we got lost. But we meet again: What happiness!
We go to castle Pařez
Exercise with Frank: working with slow movement but in a couple Þ one observes the changes between the two modes: central & independent
for 10min. – fast changing of the modes
Then we try individually with normal speed movement… Þ
„Interesting discussion with no clear conclusion, so I am looking forward another action like this…"
28.08.2003, Thursday
Fresh morning – warm day
Sand makes sandstone – sandstone disintegrates into sand – Václav said to me – short intervention into that land.
– start walking silent. Frank interventions walk is warm up. Paying attention in how your place your feet – the connection with your lower back. Relax by mental focus while walking.
SILENCE DOES NOT MEAN ENCLOSURE you can open up so that things come to you, front and back there can come communication between us.
- walk as a group - try to find common speed.
- with imagination, have a string hanging your body from top of your head that may put space between body parts and elongate.
- By couples. One walks eyes closed.
- Give short massage to your partner’s head, shoulders and arms.
Old woman and Virgin, eternal quarrel.
For long time town were fortified.
People were fighting a lot. Till came a new policy of public safety. This was called LANDFRIED
You can remember of 3 basic types of landscapes we passed through.
MIDDLE AGE (first day walking) = the nature and the human’s hands are quite enriching each other. No big emotion in landscape the human influence is „natural“.
ROMANTIC (2nd day walking) = Energies are fighting forces of nature one against each other. This is the land of poets, philosophers, young people, and romantics
COSMIC (3rd day walking) = “desert land“ calm and tranquillity with some points erecting to the heaven (like this castle)
After lunch – pick up the paper with one’s name in Frank’s hat, for the next hours observe that person’s leg, way of walking and standing, also the back, the head, the shape...
…See further…
Short break near a lake – Beers and coffees. Vaclav explained the running of mills and people’s work for charcoal.
„Five short massage to that feet read it as a map“
Arriving to new quiet place, MANIPULATION 1 and 2 - in couples and with rhythm of breathing, the lying person is manipulated in a „defined“ way, stretching and alignment of skeleton and muscles. After manipulation, feed back!
Then working in couples. With a string which is between the two persons, (by the finger). One is an eye closed. First feeling the tension of the string. Person with eyes closed try to keep horizontal of string. Person with eyes opened leads, make the other move. Both keeping that tension of the string in all the body. Then with both closed eyes. Walking again. Arriving at another lake. We gave feedback to the person we observed.
From knee ……. ……………………………….
On border of the lake is the house, we slept in and rested. In the night around the fire we met Vera Jirousova. She talked about her work and poetry and power of words…
I watched walking of Klara. Left hand is moving more than the right hand. Head and part of the back is a little bit hags down. Mouth closed.
Walk of Christina: shoulders a little bit high and forwards = from the fingertips. + head forwards
arms balancing until the middle in front of her.
active hands.
Walk of Valerie – she moves right arm more than her left one. Her feet with every step swing a little bit (outer part of heels) head & back are still.
Mirrea and I had to observe each other! She’s floating head on the top of her vertebras, as I observed her, I did imitate her some time, as I didn’t know she was observing me also. She told me my head not floating! (I would like so!) Her walk is lead by big toe towards the sides,…
Milos walks normally as the people with him focussing walk. Looking and observing to the ground to found something.
29.08.2003, Friday
Warm day again. We are being lucky
Slept in Věžák. Some of us in the house, most of us outside, hiding in the woods.
Last night Vera Jirousova asked us all to write a poem during he day. She’s asking for a first try and doesn’t give any more guidance.
We’ll be walking through the valley, following sometimes the Žehrovka stream. Before leaving, we have a short try of uttering one word with every pulse of our heart. It’s about opening up and lettering term come up than about creating. Thinking, calculation.
Drawing session in forest of/in between huge sand rocks. Milos is being practise again: very straight: he asks us to face a short and narrow passage in between two rocks, to react somehow physically to this specific site/landscape and then to walk through it trying to draw the shape of the rock while looking up the sky. Paper on our chest, a piece of chalk.
Again, it’s not about drawing, it’s about perceiving, and Milos is leading us to a certain mode of perception. It’s not more abstract. The result. I mean. On the contrary: it’s incredibly concrete. Like hyperrealism.
All our drawings turn out to be very poetic as well, and very elegant.
(Frank has a drunken man walking in between the rocks and trying its best to draw. I think if he were a poet, he would laugh when writing. I admire this attitude; most of us don’t dare too far. We stay in out comfortable landscape, so to say. [I feel it today]
More walk. Slow walk today. We are just adapting our rhythm to Vera’s. We know how to do it, we are trained for it.
And a second session of stream of words. Frank asks us to utter them louder, not to limit ourselves to the grammatical category of nouns, and to keep the rhythm more accurately. We work alone, then in couples [bending towards each other and putting weight to each other heads] and finally in couples again trying do utter the same word at the same time.
After lunch, we’ve worked on the same kind of thing, different variations (with a person behind, while walking, when going down after jumping…) and also tried different things: concentrating on two different sounds (our walk, our, landscape…) and telling each other a 1 minute story at the same time in couple.
Passed a zvonice (a bell tower) and a very delicate chapel on the top of a small hill (St. Anne, as well).
We also tried to lay each other and didn’t really manage. Some of us couldn’t because we didn’t even talk to each other.
Saw a deer on the way. It left us, scared.
Walking around in circle.
The house Věžak
Žehrovka (the small river)
Silence is not everything
It is just half of everything
Like a house.
Kenneth Koch
(And: it was very elegant of Jakub to offer us some small cakes – koláčky
he got from his grand mother. She lives in Dobšice and today she thought of us. We thought of her as well. Thank you)
30.08.2003, Saturday
Today, we’ll leave our 2 days camp about one o’clock. Some of us have slept on the top of a rock, on the other side of the lake, others in the forest, in an invisible place, some of us in the house…
Just before 7 o’clock, Vaclav – came from a mysterious night place -, makes noises with a piece of metal on which the fire has imprint a beautiful drawing all the night long – in the morning, the fire was smoking again –
Vaclav and Christina leave us.
Free time: some of us swim, take a „shower“ in the nearest spring, write, others have a conversation with Vera, our poetess about her „bad“ job; writing articles in art revues, bad because it’s commercial and government doesn’t put money to publish something that could be interesting or to announce good events.
Breakfast time when we feel it, we help ourselves.
Before Vera’s leaving, some of us have written a little poem.
„Thoughts absorbed in flames
immanence of emptiness
fire is the instant in itself
sometimes I stand under
to understand.“
he reads his poem slowly
„wind – silver, surface of the lake
carps – breath“
instant poem inspired from the words of yesterday
„words – yellow bird
mildness of water
softness of word
that goes through him from outside;
he isn’t able to escape“
tells 2 times her surrealistic poem
Frank tries to understand, to translate, - SUSPENSION - … he shuts the book!
„… chaka chaka… ebloīk“
shares a poem write by a poetess that tell how we can be closed to each other’s.
_ Little stories_
Vera, Milos‘ wife:
„If you let yourself go, abandoned,
If the tongues of fire, the shapes of
the flames, the elements pass through
You during a moment;
the rest of a cigarettes extinguishes“
„Rosa clouds, a bridge above valley, silence of the water surface flowing
to the left“
Vera, who’s going to leave us after this poem …
„My poem includes equations from a XVIIe century poet, Angelus Silesius.
The heart is burning, is falling down
The smog is going up to the sky
under the stars
I don’t know what I’m
I’m not what I know
The rock is turning which is a face to me
the fire says: come closer tome, don’t touch me“
Bye bye, Vera.
Milos gives us a rigid carton to help us for drawing later.
We won’t walk that much
There’ll be a night walk guided by Milos, and Jacobe, from 10 – 3 o’clock
We’ll work on the way
Beginning of the walk, Frank gives us the rhythm.
We have to be aware, concentrated; we’ll connect bodywork and words.
We walk in silence, all together without waiting the last one. – Energy from the group –
„Eva’s program = pipi pose!“
- Manipulations by couples close to pines
- Exercises:
. to give a precise and conscious information to the partner, mostly by the articulations;
this one has to repeat, to reproduce the movement
If you’re not satisfied, do it again.
. Same ex. 2 on 1 person.
[not too long and difficult at the beginning]
think to the rhythm, the speed
. Same: 3 on 1
„Once upon a time, 150 years ago, a rich man built up this forest on what was an are of fields. This change of landscape would allow the animals to come and to be killed for his pleasure“
- WALKING – FINDING the good place, not far from the road, for the camp
- EX - . Slow motion from the ground Þ standing
. Alone, sitting: flew of words.
. Slow motion from standing Þ sitting: flew of words.
. BAG of bones = 1‘
flew of words = 1‘
BAG + FLEW = 1‘
Break the unity of the body
Avoid regular movements.
. 1 words Þ 2 same words
fall Þ 3 =========
touch Þ 4 same times
. 1 Û 1 idem
. id. id. + slow motion; standing to sitting
. 1 Û 1 – one leader
– both can lead
. one leader: - one word
- one word from the same family
- 1 word
- 1 word with no connection
Now, there are a few drops of rain
We build up our tents
Valerie and Mirreia take Vera by the hand and give her a long and deep massage while some of us cook the dinner.
After eating and half and hour of digestion, it’s about 10 o’clock. Let’s go for a night walking for a few hours....
We follow Milos and Jacobe
- a few, cars on the road with blinding lights – pines – an isolated house with lightened windows (2 times) – sand rocks – sand under our feet – scales of wood and stone
- narrow passage – wooden little bridge – big panorama of the landscape…
. I feel tensions in some bodies with out breath, 2 times I hold so, by the hand to calm him and her and guide to the file. I see very little spot of light when it’s totally dark, I’m quiet and in a good shape.
Nathalie M.
. I felt alone, in beginning, I couldn’t link to the group; I couldn’t link to landscape, stones and trees, …. Nathalie took my hand twice and it was really good come back to reality. After second viewpoint actually I started to be really well. I tried not to look with my staring eyes any more, the it relaxed my neck, then I started to feel the floor with my feet being together with the whole group in the landscape, this was really nice experience
After walking, Frank proposed to do some invitations, some walked parties in cold was really enjoy full
31.08.2003, Sunday
Quiet morning, after night happenings we get up around 10 o’clock. Nice long breakfast. Before departure we work with the strings.
Frank: "To feel the tension of strings is like the ability to feel the landscape."
I) We work in pairs, strings in fingers. We change the partner to feel different feeling of tension.
II) Strings in mouths-working in pairs again, a leader and a follower with eyes closed, than both eyes closed, no leader, trying to feel the tension, communicate through the string.
III) working in 3, string on fingers, 2 leaders and 1 follower with eyes shut. Very nice feeling being manipulated, the only thing is to follow the tension of the string.
Right after we finished and boys came for suitcases, the rain starts. We walk into the rocks, some parts are similar yesterdays night walk-the narrow way, Adams bed. We reach a view point (Marianska vyhlidka).
Drawing: 5 minutes watching the horizon and you find places of interest, something what really attracts you. than you close eyes. You are drawing horizontal line, however the real horizon is and the places, which attracted you, are expressed by saying a word so that is like 2 separate things, the line on the paper and a word in the air, working together. Second: drawing vertical line.
Some of us did not understand first, as Milos said: works that lay in the area of visual art are better explained after they are finished. (some of us were drawing real horizontal line). Than some of us wrote the words next to the line. If you do this, you make the work finished. And the idea is to let the work be unfinished with words in the air.
We continue to walk, we have lunch on a sunny place and take water from the St. Barbara spring. On the way to Valdstejn castle for some time we go backwards, backpack are on the front of our bodies so we can relax our back. From the distance people look strange, they look, as they would go normally, only the head is turned opposite (180°). On the way upstairs it is almost like walking with eyes closed.
We reach Valdstejn castle around six o'clock. We could go inside the old castle and the church. On the way back we found a place for sleeping close to the yesterdays. We meet guys with suitcases, build tents and cook dinner-all in one hour. Sitting around the fire after eating, there is a green bottle with Becherovka inside, it is empty very fast. We are singing till the middle of the night. It got cold today, after first rain it was dropping from time to time, cloudy, the sun was shining occasionally. Nice night. Radka and Klara left with guys before dinner.
01.08.2003, Monday
fast = faster
so so fast
someone left Þ this on my bag
this was at church door
3 x 3 / .20 min proposition each in a field
Milos goes flying; Milos is s Butterfly (with two wings).
walking some more
chain of people blindfolded walking, then alone discovering landscape
walking through the forest
move slowly, eyes closed, alone with paper + pencil, once in a while open eyes without moving the pupil focus on very close or very far away and draw what we see without looking at drawing, 3 or 4 times then give the drawing to Frank without looking at it and then try to recognize your own drawing. Everybody is successful to recognize his or her drawing
"bag of bones" alone, partner gives small hit a few times=word comes out + you write it at the same time.
Pair sitting opposite each other with paper +pencil, mirror of the hands drawing together-then the same but lead with one hand, follow partner with other hand, one pencil, one "fusains"-The same but instead of mirror=opposite sides.
Moving alone, independent parts of the body, see if hands join to "draw".
Walking back to the same spot where we were dropped with the car.
A bit of rain
Vera comes, the food is warm and ready, and we eat very well!!!!
We talk about the end session sharing around the fire drinking beer + tea.
It is getting very ...
Writing report with candlelight.
02.08.2003, the last day
Changing of the weather all the time...
We woke up in a horrible weather, cold, foggy and windy on the top of the hill.
Great breakfast from Vera-MNAMY
Walking back to Jicin - as we go downhill the temperature gets higher - we get warmer and warmer, sunshine and rain are in constant dialogue...
It is a nice pleasant atmosphere, relaxed walking with talking. Milos leads Þ we go more complicated, but nobody recognizes that.
We come to Zebin hill. It is nice to come back to the same spot where we started. Feeling of a vast circle we made during the whole trip...
We do exercise on the top: to trace back by eyes the whole way we did during the workshop - eyes shift on and through the landscape> search the stories we went through (for 10 min).
Then we take picture together "big bag of bones".
We visit the belfry and ring the bell (it is probably very old, 1565?)
Lunch and exercises in the Loggia: manipulation and massage in a couple.
A) photo still figure=standing, sitting, lying. One leads the other follows as fast as possible.
B) They must not need at the same position (not both standing at the same moment etc.)
C) The same as A) but the other but must not do the movement at the same time, when one moving the other is freeze and vice versa.
D) Adding "retouches" in sitting position one says a word then the other when sitting says a word.
E) the same as D but word in every position,
String in the mouth: couple
1) 1 min just holding
2) 1 min slowly down to the ground
3) 1 min upwards + catching of the words
String for five persons in their mouths, they are supposed to get down the stairways...
Drawing with Milos:
on the partner's head draw a view (feeling from it) in front of you on the partners head by finger (standing from behind) use rear and top and sides of the head. Use only continuous movement of the finger. Partner has a paper and tries to draw what you draw on his head with eyes shut.
Lunch at Zebin hill, discussing the upcoming "performance", last decisions
Leaving for the Performance/EVENING WORK SESSION
a few audience (8-10?)
Alex gets drunk totally
Milos was lovely (also drunk little bit) making funny sounds together with Alex
dancing out in the courtyard
Police coming in the night (early morning), coming to our bedroom, asking me for my ID card, short funny dialogue, I have to explain who we are and what we are doing here (that we are not squatting this place)....
03. 08. 2003
beautiful sunny (cold) morning, coffee at the square in a cafe, saying BYE..... Alex got totally drunk