s e j n                                                                    b o h e m i ae   r o s a




3 - 16 August 1999

International Interdisciplinary Open-Air Workshop for dancers and artists exploring the relation among body, art and landscape by Milos Sejn, Frank van de Ven and guest teacher Vaclav Cilek, Bohemiae Rosa Project, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague,
Hermit Foundation and the Center for Metamedia in Plasy, Czech Republic


Subrosa Bohemian Kast 1998




Thursday August 3rd

It's the first day of the workshop! I'm remembrance of the meal and the

campfire made with huge trees by Václav of the night before we did our first

exercises. After a welcome word by Frank we all had to sit on a large table

had to move our body from standing position, to laying position (stretched)

on the ground with our face in the grass, to standing position again and

finally walk into the garden. This should happen a time span of half an

hour. This meant that we should break down the interval and according to that

move at a certain body speed. After this we tried to do the some exercise

but then ten times quicker. So instead of half an hour, we had 3 minutes to

move. It seemed to me that it was very difficult to keep the right speed;

also the sense of time seems to fade away during such an intensive work.

We started to work with couples. One person was standing without moving

physically and thinks about being up. The other person had to wait, then lift

the body at the air and repeat this 3 times. The person standing had to change

his or her perspective by thinking down and we did the same and changed


We discussed if we felt any differences in the lifting and the being-lifted.

Now we put it to the test.. again we had to lift a person 3 times, but he or

she could change the idea. We had to guess / feel the combination. We all

had very different experiences. Milos spoke about "the double image" which

made if harder to "be up" (since the sky is right above you already, "unlike

in a studio where you have to invent the sky first.)

Then we packed our tents, had a meal, a short meeting and we left Radotin.

The journey with the train went quite fast, the walking was tougher with a

warm sun, and our backpacks. It took us 3 1/2 hours to find the good spot

for our first camp. We only had to get the other stuff from the car, which was waiting, and then

we would be complete.

Two small exercises followed, where we first observed a small part of the

forest and secondly we worked with couples where we observe and examine each

other’s body like we did with the small part.

Wednesday, August 4th

We woke up after surprisingly chilly night, into full sun flooded morning.

Light breakfast and at 9.00 we headed towards first working day. Already

during our journey, to the Kobyla quarry we prepared our muscles to the

movements. Especially Ben, our "guard" dog took t really seriously and

arranged his own meal by hunting a chicken from the nearest house, so that we did not dare to go

there and as for the drinking water supply.

Coming down the hill along the edge of the quarry we met Václav Cílek and his

colleague geologist Frank Herald, who was surprisingly calm, seeing our dog,

with fresh blood around his mouth. Morning part was dealing with slow

motion exploration, 1 mm per second, which was followed by 1 cm per second.

We did t in couples, so that we get responses immediately. I enjoyed very

much the work with blinded eyes: We blinded our eyes with scarves and Frank

said, I will lead you to certain spot, and there you will try to fall

asleep, I wake you up. The blind journey barefoot was amazing, seemed to me t

will last hours and then the surprise climbing up the rock to the Cave, with

dusty floor. I did not sleep also because of some visitors to the Cave, who

thought there is a dead body or "figurine".

Back to the camping place for lunch - Sonja cooked bears with sausages.

After lunch break, some of us went for drinking water supply. Afternoon in the quarry with

leading by Milos. During our journey we were asked to watch

colours and structures. Work 1: slow motion with close observation of

objects; long time to concentrate on movement, later I was able to observe;

very small white blossoms of tiny flower, later yarrow, bark of tree and

another flower "cornflower" from under) 1 hour work). Later work with close

observations of surfaces I went on my knees and shoulders, and it was like a

documentary film on grass inhabitants, most impressing was the movement

through the grass forest in insect perspective.

Work 2: watching closely + touching blindly. I found very strange dry

mushrooms, which I watched long time, and when touching it. I discovered

they are very firm, dry, like dry clay. Nobody knows what kind of mushrooms

it was.

Looking through the watchmaker's lens gives another dimension to the mossy

with feathers of some giant bird.

Václav C. had nice speech concerning his dreams, layers, millions of years,

floating Pangea etc. in the Kobyla quarry. Martin

Thursday, August 5th

. start later (9 am) - quiet morning - shopping by Sonja, Václav.

. on the path from the base camp to the fields direction quarry:

walking backwards (- 1 min. interval between people)

"being quicker but still not thinking more/

breaking habits of what I experience partially as a state of relaxation,

but might only be the layers of control over my physical situation /

Never better, each day different."

- in the evening by the fire I discuss this a bit with Rolf.

Question: Since you've been doing BW - work & related work now over some

time, do you experience a physical learning process similar to say:

bicycle - riding; where the body + mind start to "function" better under

similar circumstances (for example backwards walking)

maybe if some priorities of "sense of time, balance, orientation, reaction.

are now more fulfilled automatically, that opens up more space around it

for added internal or external sensations, thoughts + images from less

rationally conscious quarters of the brains.

Quote Frank-seeing Rolf appear backwards out of the words: "Very alone man

walking backwards."

Rest of us notice the "short tripping" afterwards in vision and balance - of

rushing falling forwards.

. Entrance through quarry-tunnel and to the middle of the field inside;


Estimate beforehand how many steps it will be through the tunnel, count them

and compare.

In order of departure: guess actual

Martin 100 105

Angela 250 177

Milos 150 meters took 600 (in all,

counting the disorientation

(to field) period

in the bushes)

Martina 120 119

Frank 110 119

Osamu forgot (also here for the first time


Rolf 100 100

Sjoerd 100 130

"Since I arrive each, I can watch some. I wonder then, why, how much/many

things does a person meet, or do the things meet that person - does for

example disorientation lead to large experiences since many encounters

happen - and is one sensationally attached. Do these encounters help further

orientation or hinder it. -

How much is the "finding path precisely" a priority?

"Do you make sure, you are sure -

or do you make sure you're not so sure on

orientation + marking?

How much does the lower brain take over?

Therefore I ask everybody for their (subjective) level of concentration

during the blindfold.

Martin 45

Angela 30

Milos -

Martina 90

Frank 60

Osamu 90

Rolf 60 inside tunnel 100 outside

Sjoerd 50 inside tunnel 80 outside

. Slowing down walking, speeding up walking

down to 1 mm p/sec. from quite fast


25 min: Division in time-cues 0 - 5 min}

5 - 10 min} slowing


10 - 15 min > 1 mm/p.sec.


15 - 20 min }

20 / 25 min } speeding up

Importance on control of very gradual speed design as a graphic of speed in

time would be even.

Plus consciousness of different "gears"

"Gears or not gears, that is the question"


6.5 min : Division 0 - 1 min }

1 - 2 min }

2 - 3 min } slowing


3 - 3.5 > complete


3.5- 4.5 }

4.5- 5.5 }

5.5- 6.5 } speeding



3.5 min : Division 1.5 min slowing down

0.5 min > stop

1.5 min speeding up

Short discussion: Because of different time-sensation in slow-speed vr. fast

speed, there's a "trap" on common from very slow to quicker, where everyone

(almost) takes too long.

> Therefore think quicker there

Quote Martin " I didn't have enough time to speed up this time"


120 sec.: Division 3 x 10 sec slowing down

10 sec > stop

3 x 10 sec speeding up


19 sec. Division 3 x 3 sec slowing down

1 sec > stop

3 x 3 sec speeding up

. Sort of Bisoku: From initial sitting position:

freeze for 3 min; move: 1 mm/sec - 3 min

move: 1 cm/sec 3 min }

10 cm/sec 3 min } also lower surfaces of body,

which are in touch w/ground

. In partners: 1 cm/sec & 10 cm/sec

- head is not the centralising factor in the body

- head is like a super computer; controlling all different body parts.

Then Frank can't do the next thing anymore.

Walk back to base camp.

Food is ready immediately, since a bit of rain is already there. At - 2.15

pm it starts raining for the first time in at last 9 days. So we set and


Václav predicted the rain to stop within 1 hour, and so t did. I feel good

after the rain and a nap and collecting wood for the fireplace.

. Václav takes us to the verge of the still mine, on top of it. Abyss like

nothing in the air in front of us. Ben's a bit scared, so am I. Can't

predict my anxiety or physical sensations.

We sit on 3 different layers next to the rock front - if someone would step

somewhat wrongly - "keep the image of your death cheerfully before you at all


Big attachment to survival arises in me. And a temptation to fly.

Václav instructs: 5-10 min. sitting with: image of safe massive rock

behind you back and an empty huge airy-space before you-nothing-like.

Reminds me of a friend of mine. She's so overwhelmed by that sense and "by

willed-accident" thoughts, jest jumping downs a high place - being sucked. Now

this one's not just high-but void, hugely surrounded little landscape down


. 5-10 min. sitting with the image of 1st. opposite:

The rock wall cold and like a white empty mass;

the landscape and the air (the vacuum) filled

with collective voices - all collective elements,

weddings, sufferings,

. 5-10 min. sitting w/image of the rock face being

filed with thousands of birds flying, which

cannot pass through its wall, otherwise they die

immediately. Also they dive down deep into the bottom of the rock to eat

fire worms.

(Based on a, "Vaclavian vision")

We keep on walking. For same reason tears ran down my face all along. Now they

stopped. . Milos suggests we collect "pigments" and hands out small plastic

bags for this purpose. I "trip" a bit, having to given and smile all the

time, up to laughing out - I find it fascinating and funny not to have

the slightest idea what "pigments" are, but collecting steadily tiny things

and just labelling them "pigments" without doubt. End up with 5 bags. One

yellow (mainly flower-buds + leaves and butterfly wings) one purple (some

kind of insect - like looking mushroom + flower-buds) - brown (all kinds of

small wet-shells, tree-mushroom, tree-bark),

+ green (I'm very selective here, since there's lets of chlorophyll - like

filled stuff around, so I collect only blozen-up little balloon - like looking

things which are attached to certain leaves) and finally a pinkish-brown,

from the stones of quarry on function.

We pass holes, which are dug out by wild-pigs.

. Coming to a cave-entrance, which Václav has estimated to be - 14 meters

long and narrow. Around she rocks of its entrance, we do a "prehistoric

communal cave-painting" with the pigments we found + some water + moss.

This is about finished after 30 min.

We walk another 11/2 hour passing the some of the quarry on function, a

chasm in it with water, bushes of blackberries, and through a path of

forest, which as Václav says, looks and s more or less still as t was,

according to grass patches, several thousand years ago, post glacial time.

"The younger the grass, the less plants t has."

The camping-base we are on then seems to be from the middle ages.

So we walk back, fill water bottles, eat. -

and as the days before: the bat flies by overhead as it gets dark.

end Angxx

Friday 6th August

Breakfast at 8 o'clock morning. Today we are going for all day trips. We are

crossing fields, forests and hills. Around us is beautiful landscape. Is hot

weather. We are looking for shadow.

Work with partners:


2 min - 1 mm/sec - angel face - head isn't the centralising factor in the


2 min - 1 cm/sec - angel face - head isn't the centralising factor in

the body

2 min - 1 mm/sec - working face - head is super computer, controlling body

2 min - 1 cm/sec - working face - head is super computer, controlling body


2 min - 1 cm/sec - angelic face - brain activity - brain activity -

super computer

2 min - 1 cm/sec - working, thinking face - no brain activity

2 min - 1 mm/sec - angelic face - brain activity

2 min - 1 mm/sec - working, thinking face - no brain activity

Dan came to make photos for documentation.

We continue are walking. Václav talking about interesting thinks (areas)

which we passing in a landscape. We are coming on "Tobolsk¢ vrch", it's

between Tetín and Srbsko. Here is small green cave and in this cave were

found graves from early Iron Age. Today or at this time has here owl home.

Václav was talking also about Bacín hill, where we will have camp next

week - about cannibalism.

Other interesting place where we have small stop is Domasov. Here is old

water system, place can have negative energy - because foul earth crust.

Now we are lunchtime here. Rolf and Sjoerd have this serviette from chef of kitchen.

Working place - near river - 10 min - freeze and 10 min moving 1 mm/sec,

1 cm/sec, 10 cm/ sec.

Then we are crossing and swimming in the Berounka River.

We were hiking on "Sanuv kout"

Working place - 15 min - touch a rock and cracking move 1 mm/sec.

7 min - work with partner 1 mm/sec - cracking move

start with some part of body - finished all body

Yellow and brown caves.

We are near Hostim - and we walking in the small river "Kacák" (Duck

brook) - then we are climbing to the cave "Above Kacák".

Near we are watching 2 mm big snails - very protected Piramidulla

Then we are in Srbsko - diner, beer, nice pub and people nice mood.

Beautiful spring - we are coming back to Kobyla at 12'o clock at night.

Haunt Ben saved us.

But M. and Rolf heard wild pigs behind a tent.

V Fire.










and wishes.


Saturday 7th August

This time we woke up as early as 7:30 (am). No breakfast, no speaking

permitted, therefore any complaints. Tea and few cookies. Briskly heading

towards our "Kobyla" to "warm up" in the cave.

Finding a place inside to stay silent and concentrated for half an hour. Feel

the massive rock all around and above, stabil form; motionless, observing

breath (and stomach).

Soft light gradually revealing dome like space covered with a beautiful skin

like surface. Being back in the mother's body. Am I going to be born


No choice. Crossing the fields, sky lot darker and darker. Passing by the

Konepruské Caves parking lot we approached finally the main site to be

explored with a kind permission of the "Certovy schody" (Devil's Steps)

quarry authorities. Two bear-size dogs gave us a friendly welcome by the

entrance gate and the guardian did show us the right direction to go -

downwards - to the hell.

Going deeper and deeper on the slope with no sight of the end only the

water pipe and electric cable joined us.

Surprisingly spacious quarry at the end, like a Vulcan opened towards the

sky, vast plain being gated by monsters of (heavy) industrial times.

Frank gave first instructions to settle individually on the ground to

experience the void, empty space, it's grand scale, rock bed and first

sudden shower over it. Placed to the contrast of the previous cave

internal experience. Sound of the water drops meeting the limestone.

Following exercise with use of an advanced X-ray technology. Vision of one’s body without flesh,

just a skeleton moving through the space.

Note: not necessarily a human skeleton - no speed limit.

Still position for five minutes and than five minutes of skeleton

dance/movement. Second part: standing posture, getting down to the ground

and back stand again. Very special place: pebble stones dunes amidst the


The question raised after this experience:

How many bones in the human skeleton?

(in alphabetical order):

Abgela.150, Frank.232, Martin.136, Martina.32<, Milos.193, Osamu.180,

Rolf.1400, Sjoerd.200, reality.???

Inspired by the dark clouds next action resulting in a real rain. Quarry

filled up by water, our bodies of a water substance = five minutes still

and next five minutes solved in a water becoming one fluid. Water creatures’

part of it!!!

Dried mud on the ground soaks the rain water

overall view

sardine can anti-blast shelter

Dan, the photographer making last photo before leaving to Prague

Great sound installation

prepared for us by the mine workers: holes drilled into the rock, partly

filled with water.

Little stone sent down into the hole creates surprise sound with a lot of

musical quality, echo extended.



Milos and Martin

recorded few samples for future generations.

Mountain of beautifully irony coloured sand in different shades of red-brown

on the way back >

(picture needs a lot of imagination)

Delicious soup and potatoes by Sonja and long long afternoon sleep...........

At about five p.m. "Kobyla" exercise, passing through the tunnel upper half of the body naked.

Observing the temperature difference between the two parts - concrete and bare rock. Much

more light feeling even blind in the tunnel (maybe caused by the very little contrast of the outside

and inside

conditions - no sun outside, a bit windy also > the border not easy to

recognise - more acoustics).

Two groups: me with Rolf, Angela, Milos.

Our instructions to play the breakfast action by other means at the fire

site. The other group watching us. I found difficult not to be literal and

descriptive in the action, thinking about "what to do next"; observed as a

long motionless interruptions by my partner. They were to watch our

speed. Than the roles changed, we watched the speeds of the other group.

Frank and Sjoerd apparently..?.. (resulting in breaking my umbrella),

Martin and Martina bit phlegmatic. At the end came out that they were to

choose to act or 10% speed up or down. Difficult to synchronise this movement

(often too fast) and arms for example (often too slow). Than work in

couple - movement speed 10cm per sec! Sjoerd looking for his ticks.

Difficult to start the right speed at the beginning for many of us - at the

end most OK

Setting sun light up suddenly upper edge of the quarry in the red light.

End exercise back in the cave: focus on the border of being outside/inside.

exploring the space in between - a slow motion, interrupted a few times by the

state of non-movement.

A bat was quite irritated by our presence and left without sounds goodbye.

Candle lit space especially impressive from the ground looking up. Shadows

projected on the "walls" diagonal layers of the stone.

Watching the stars by the evening fire.

Falling down.

Falling asleep.



morning "fire" most people make their "toilet" at the spring

Sonia, Clara seem to be sick

program from 2-7 at the big quarry

it is very hot, we are not in a big hurry

actual arrival a the quarry 2.30

plan: first hour in same couples as yesterday work on "skeleton" and "water"

- next 2 hours combination of "colour work" and "private" project

- rolf & Frank are filming

- - last hour exchange of the ideas for the "private projects"

"colour work": milos asks to go around, look at the colours

and name them in own words (write it down)

examples of results of the 'colour' work -

a rabbit-shit brown from a distance

a wetish intense deep red-dragon tear colour.



uneven cream-beige

middle brown scars




"private project": what can you imagine as a possible project in /

with the quarry, it can be anything from something for 5 minutes for

yourself to a plan that would take a year e.g.

[see further on]

filming (frank&rolf) the idea was born after the visit last year seeing the

quarry from above and getting all kind of visions about a single person in

that big space.

intermezzo by the guard racing with his car into the quarry.

together with his camouflage clothes he makes a threatening

impression (that's probably what he is hoping for) the problem appears

to be that he was watching with binocular from above and

only saw 2 persons so he was worried about the others.

because rolf did some water ballet in a mud pool and therefore was in need

of some cleaning we actually left the quarry far after 7. the guard made a joke by lifting the

gate bar; he also gave us a 2-litter bottle of spa.

according to the next plan we watched sunset, only not on the hill but at

the gate of the bar in Koneprusy (we really needed a beer). the owner of

the bar was an old lady, who walked with a stick. we had to get our beers

by ourselves from the garage. she only came to count the bottles at he end.

then we went uphill to the cave (aksamitova brana)

upon arrival it's almost dark. we stay a while at the entrance of the cave.

very dark, strong atmosphere, a tree growing out of the big opening in the


Milos does some "signing" with white pigment, loose powder.

picnic on the hillside under the stars, a lot of fun.

the trip home in an adventure. we are guided by Bene, Martin trusts him for

99%. the dog indeed brings us out of the forest in a small village we did

not yet visit. hurrah for Bene

Rolf carrying Milos to bed.

Sunday finished 03.00

Monday 9 August

Apparently Vaclav appeared last night, spoke with Sonja, helped her this

morning to leave, did shopping and returned at 11 A.M. all

under quite some rain. Brunch and uncertainty

about weather + program.

Vaclav relates some stories & legends/myths about the golden and white horse

I remember: reality will be only revealed to those who try not to see the whole.

2 green and 1 red bloke from Uranus.

Don't mix soft and hard science

Finally a pale blue appears in the sky, and around 13.00 A.M. we are on our

way to Aksamitova brana, IT get's actually HOT.

* On the hillock behind cave we do 30 minutes of basic work (1 cm/sec. 1

mm/sec + skeleton, wake & immobility)

the speed work with both angelic & frowned face (alternating) and making up

your own order.

* Manipulation 1&2 FRA-MI, RO-OS, AN-Martina, SJO-Martin

+ a 5 minute request.

. under bridge of the cave an 8-station machine of 1 minute each.

moving counter clockwise when Timekeeper gives Sign. 2 Rounds of 8 and the

last round of 8 minutes crossing to another station at random. After some

remarks of Angela & Milos about the staccato, bony structure of the machine

not helping to enter the material we do one other round of 8 min. while

- taking fragments of the station you leave towards the new one to avoid cuts

and - bits and snippets remain of all stations and there is a sense of

accumulation 8 layering. TO BE DEVELOPED.

- timekeeper: walk 60 steps and return to this spot! give clear sign!

- move here and now speed above 10 cm/sec + travel

- move as if in Big kotyz quarry

- water in and around you. face down, on belly

- move as if in cave of Kobyla

- beetle on its bac spine + head move with 1 cm/second

- skeleton 1 meter high.

- upper body skeleton, lower body water

* WALL PANTING - MORE GENTLE 20 min green team - 20 min black team.

Milos proposes next one to be each person working alone one after another. Angela

says her painting is informed by other's actions.

* At night. after COPIUS and LUXURIOUS dinner, talk about PRIVATE PROJECTS

and kind of EVALUATION and possible continuation.

private projects:

sjoerd + emptiness. becoming empty & filling the whole quarry

+ the surface of the rocks as the skin that divides the outside

space and inside space of the rocks.

he imagined to be at the part in the quarry that will be gone the

soonest (next day by the explosion)

so there will be emptiness very soon and at that place trying to become


& the opposite - trying to fill the emptiness of the whole quarry with

your presence/body


"tribal" imagination of several fire places, people moving around, making

shadows > in a special way

felt a connection with the fossils of life forms that lived at the bottom

of the area

also sound experiments could be part of it

> maybe try out / transport some of this ideas to another situation


the children's lemon-yellow

bodies of 5 year old children

enlarged to immense size:

of the future, where there is no

more landscape.

There is only the lemon-yellow

skin, and a vacuum within.

They act as one group, travelling

through their desolation and

despair as seen from above.

They walk on one smiling face.

with the crater as the mouth.

two hills as its eyes, one big,

one small, and the rock lining

as its nose.

action: 7 min.

they want attention from a face above mirroring the smiling face.

Then they slowly give up as they can't get on top of the eye.

They 'bout only walk as suddenly, behind one of the eyes,

they find the magic black hat.


attracted by a strong red colour on an earth hill. there arose a strong

connection with a video film she saw of a woman running in a desert in australia.

she made some drawings on her skin with the colour. later she tried to run like

in the film.

2nd day at the same place she made drawings like on feathers of a bird. she

wanted to run again, blind. now as herself, fighting with some of her fears.

she feels now it can be done too at another location.


. going very a long distance. trying to catch the exactness of his speed

(also entering the quarry with different speed)

. because of the strong whiteness, almost unbearable for his eyes exploring

with closed eyes the borders of shadow and sun.


. to create the middle of the quarry a mini copy of the quarry, with some


. to set a big table in the quarry with a nice diner for us, in evening dress


connect the quarry always with a concert of the Rolling Stones

. feels a connection with the group, has a kind of parallel program

our presence. generates a different awareness of the environment

he is a kind of orbiting around us

cannot stay at home really, at midnight looking for the train to return to be in the

neighbourhood of the group.


. was expecting a much bigger space (maybe because of the new terrace)

. space unfriendly, dead, so white he cannot see

. surprised by the water under the ground, in the drill holes (with the sounds)

. he imagined being in a green valley instead of there


. last year the big quarry was totally empty, the bottom was flat

we looked in it from above and immediately had all kind of imaginations about

a "performance" in it. e.g. just 1 person in the quarry moving, playing, dancing

> this led to the ideas for the film

. interested in big surfaces, areas that has the same colour, structure, and atmosphere

. would like to dance in the quarry with one of the big machines

notes from general evaluating discussion:

sjoerd: my awareness changed so much.

> it sharpens, also affects my memory

ex. was WALKING BACKWARDS, where things open.

martina: moving s new for me (fresh)

something s developing. feels necessary.

massage = learning // lost body while feeling others

she is happy she has legs & arms.

martin: explore time loops, gaps & connections. find RELATIVITY of INSIDE & OUTSIDE


angela: appreciated the hidden things that appeared suddenly.

frank: . a desire to move like "the birds that fly around inside the rock"

. a wish to connect "daily camp life" and "work" more

. exploration / extending the 1 minute "machine"

. continuation of the speed work.

Vaclav: the roots of some trees you cut survive and connect to other trees.

it's good to be in a forest that has a memory.

FILOGENESIS: primitive organism develops to "higher" forms.

Unlike Darwin's men/ape relation, there is an older man - tree - plant KINSHIP.

let's buy wine tomorrow.

rolf: connection between Vaclav's and our being here.

Inspiring how Václav wanders thru this landscape & history.

. rolf's work is partially about generating or realising different times


COULD be link to find another relation between audience(s)/onlookers & dancer/performer

Bodywork under the rock bridge of The Golden Gate Cave (Aksamitova brana)

was one from the positive possibilities as to research the strong place. In

being here and out being there --a role of the time. The exercise was

good relation to the trying in - out feeling in the small cave in the Kobyla

Mine during dusk.

Majority of the participants is interested to go deeper in this way, when

one part of this emphasises the hidden layers of a human body during the

interconnection on the landscape and the second part emphasises the hidden layers

of the landscape body by the time of walking through it in different

times, focusing and moving of our bodies. Both ways should have the same

importance for us and we should stick them together. Personally, I am

interested in the connection this way.

You, a pinkish little line on the horizon!

Vaclav was connected on the Bacín Hill meadow with us!

Eclipse day

- Say hi telegram BOHEMIAE ROSA workshop / body-landscape-geology-

11th August - from base camp Bacin - 2nd day: - clear weather when woke

up - 15 mm later clouds - overall excitement because of arrival eclipse

sun frowned computer face

moon angelic face 3000km a second

Czech republic bohemia - ground control

to major sun - talk what to do before - few suggestions ranging from walking

in circles to mushroom rituals - personal projects before eclipse -

individual - Osamu and me watch View on landscape from base camp - something

like this - 11.15 a.m. - Osamu sees same thing - and shouts - it starts -

rolf puts video camera - all look through space silver glasses - it takes a

while - a while it takes - we want - pfff - moment supreme - light

dims - Vaclav leaves - clouds arrive - storm approaches - through hole

in cloud we see eclipse - for last time - rain - lunch - fire - 1 pm -

Angela's program - based on poem "the children's lemon yellow" - inspired by

visit big quarry - (see for whole poem 2 pages ago) - she brings us in a

circle to place near campsite - focus on things passing by-seeing, not

seeing - for 15 min behave like children of +- 5 years old - work

individual - we make 2 groups of us - all image big face as in poem -

have yellow skin - and empty bodies - we are big - everything else is

small - except face - face reflects in sky - try to attract its attention -

but, COMPETITION IN THE GROUP! - secretly - 20 min - both groups move in

strange speed - and dynamic - every-body tries to attract face in own way -

evaluation - total awareness of multi layered image in hard to grasp - maybe

need more steps -

next - choose partner - work 8 times 1 min - alternating roles - act as in

group before - every time respond to your partner -influence - build up a

competitive dynamic - end - personal relaxation before dinner at campsite -

extreme special messenger brings top secret codes for supper - I have no

authority to say who - look in little home made booklet for more detail

and information

codes as written on the individual 2-sided notes

for tonight end of dinner + coffee time

* when you mention the word "blue tent" you activate someone into "skeleton awareness" for

+- 5 min; starts within 5 min after you mention the word.

who? and how? he/she does it.

* when you hear "Benne is real hunter" you go +- 15 meters from fire,

watch sky and have water legs for +- 5 min.

* say "Benne is a real hunter": someone will go a bit away from the fire -

what does he/she do?

* when you hear "how is your knee frank" you move 2 parts of your body 1 mm/sec. while

rest remains normal, join conversation.

* mention the king of Belgium: someone will get a slight angelic face - and

have freeze (immobility) periods

who? how? she/he can talk!

* when you hear someone says - "blue tent" go into "skeleton awareness

while continuing the sound life; not too obvious a form!

* when you say "I'm looking forward to the night-program" you activate

someone into full body awareness. who? how?

* when you here "Is Vaclav coming back“ you move as if in Big Quarry

(not to obvious - continue social talk)

* when you say, "who has she best raincoat" you activate someone into

behaving like Vaclav who? how?

* when you hear "my eyes hurt a bit“ you go into little stops in your

(normal) movements +- (5 min)

* when you say, "is Vaclav coming back“ you activate some one into moving

as if in Big Quarry who? how?

* when you hear "who has the best rain-coat" you behave like Vaclav -

for 10 min.

- dinner at 5 pm - had strange aura - was full of codes - Milos lost his

codes on the way to make telephone call in village - Clara is OK -

greetings - 7 pm - evening is still long - instant evening program is

created - Frank knows game - everybody is blindfolded - stand in line

behind each other - 1st person takes of blindfold - Frank makes 4

movements - 1st person remembers movements - goes to 2nd person - 2nd

person takes of blindfold - 1st person tries to repeat the movements of

Frank - 2nd person remembers - does to 3rd person - and so on - until last

person moves - it is hilarious - total shift of movements occur in game -

repeat it several times - Angela has idea - everybody STAYS blindfolded -

exciting - strong resemblances within unseen, felt movements - time for next

game - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap - clap

clap - clap - clap clap - x - haha - hihi - and so on - until everybody

lost both arms - BEERTIME!! - jogging to village - jogging is healthy - warm

arrival - slivovitz makes us warmer - BEER stabilises - talk on

horror movies - jogging back - fire - instruction for night program - will be

implemented and executed - go together to cave - sit for 15 mn -

blindfold ourselves - and walk for 15 mn - undress - sit for 15 mn -

take of blindfold - light a candle - observe little surrounding - blow out

after 15 mn - start moving like place until cue - dress up - make up - walk

back a silence to fire - fire - for 30 mn we sit around fire - everybody

moves for few minutes like in forest - on request of Martina Osamu bought

special Slivovitz in Praha the other day - drink-eat chocolate - talk

about intense, strong experience in forest - I felt very vulnerable, when

naked - Frank felt the opposite - he got stronger - before sleep TICK

check - it didn't help - next morning I woke up with biggest TICK

I have ever seen stuck to my belly - It almost made it to it's


Thursday, 12th August after Solar Eclipse

Wake up early and quick view to the landscape, sky is blue, with white

light clouds. This means we can start our one-day trip to Plesivec Mountain.

We have to go to the train stop in Vseradice, a village next to Vinarice,

where we take our food supply. Four kilometres in fresh morning air

were quick and pleasant. Station at the end of the world.

We went by train to Lochovice, and from there we took a red sign to Plesivec

Mountain. It is interesting place because of a Celtic settlement, which was

pretty big, with several rings of protective walls. As we came close to

the hill, we realised different material, which the hill is created of (KREMENEC)

quartzite. This fact was important for us, to be able to compare the

bohemian carst, which is limestone, mostly dry and relatively warm, while

this quartzite kept much more cold and wet outside, lot of mossy stones and

large forested areas of Brdy Hills. So we went step by step to the top and

after short break we found first clear remains of the oppidum fortification

system. Automatically we started to follow the wall of still sharp stones,

and after a while we found beautiful place with fireplace, and 8 stone

armchairs, exactly the same as our group! We split into 2 groups = me,

Frank, Osamu + Milos. We decided to follow the wall fortification, and tried

to walk around whole hill circle. There were beautiful views to the

landscape, mossy ponds in the forest and lot of huts for scouts, coming to

spend their free time from city. Another amazing picture came when we saw in

the stone field under "Snake queen Rock" almost an pueblo with two blond

squaws, dressed as Sioux tribe Indians. After short while we sort of lost our

proper way through the forest. The other half of the group had to wait for

us nearly half an hour. We did the circle, but Martina and Rolf saw nice

tumulus graves. So we all followed them to see. The field of tumulus was very

large, and numerous. Than we passed a nice emerald lake on our way to the

Lhotka village. The restaurant, we all aimed for closed the door in front of

our nose, informing us, the hungry customers, that the keeper wants also to

eat. So we continued to Radous where pub was already closed, but luckily we

managed to buy some basic lunch in shop, which closed immediately after we

left. This was not all - waiting for a bus to Vseradice ended by driver's

refusal to take us aboard without Ben's protective "basket". Dreamy trip

continued on train where we slept like children. We ended up on the way

to our camp, and soon everybody disappear into his own nest to sleep. I

counted number of kilometres in total, at something like 25.

Friday, 13th of August

Breakfast and dinner are getting more and more luxurious each day!!!

One example: 3 different kinds of marmalade, yoghurt, rum-cappuccino-coffee.

Time for marketing Bacin Hill - holiday-resort-sun-shining.

15 min. individual prep. for work > at the meadow > stretching-out, shaking,

running, or mental exercises

15 min. per person; laying on a slope passively

muscles relaxed, partner moves that body into changing body-positions,

rolling, turning around

A - with same partner: 4 work; 4 watch. basic position - da Vinci

one millimetre shocks - work on precision simple at firs, later more complex

body posture changes slightly and regularly with the shocks

B - 1 cm/sec. shocks, again always localising movement + distance precisely

C - sitting with 10 cm p/sec shocks, get up to position B and then to A

this all happens on the meadow; with the landscape in the far background below

short discussion afterwards:

another 2 options could be:

(Rolf) "shock" also related to time, not only distance (1 cm shocks/distance in exactly 1 second)

or a metric version (Angxx) each second a shock

. walking downhill:

1 mm distance shocks 2 min

1 cm distance shocks 2 min

10 cm distance shocks 2 min

different sized shocks 2 min

--keep a fairly normal walking movement

Expanding peripheral field of vision

30 min, walking in a row along the field edges and into the forest.

Biggest person first, smallest last. Focus on nape of neck of person in front

of us, with soft eyes, during walking no looking downwards or anywhere


BREAK: 15 min with communal 1 coffee-cup (Milos’s drinks most of it right at

the beginning since he hasn't heard otherwise.

PROGRAM: Milos, on the top of the meadows

Drawing landscape outlines on back of head

Drawing simultaneously on each other’s backs


Sitting next to partner 5 min. watching the outlines of the landscape in front of us together.

Then 15 min > person A eyes closed; person B draws these outlines on

the back of person A’s head; while still watching the landscape.

Watching again 5 min. together, then switch roles.

. Both people standing; watching 1 min together.

Simultaneously draw image of landscape from your memory on the other persons back with

closed eyes (10min)

(later on in pub short discussion about strategies of drawing onto a totally different sized and

shaped object; also relationship to eyes + vision > in on the front; processed further back in the


sensation of drawing all the way on back of head).

Rolf's wild pig program by the deer-feeding place

Rolf's wild pig program turns out to be a walking program: in and around a circle keep own

walking rhythm; Rolfi calls out attention to different body parts while walking. Capture

information about own body of walking.

. Similar with 2 groups approaching each other > picking up details of another

person, you, imitate his/her walk - same with sitting down, up, lying..

. Then people do water or little shocks of 10 mm/10cm p/sec

(extended on the field also to the time/distance task)

and again, copy, imitate or become one of the other group.


Special about this program was the unpredictability of what Rolf will have

us do next. A bit like school - feeling; since everything was depending on

Rolf's continuous structuring verbally. No big authority - problems in this

group though - sometimes slight embarrassment.

Before diner: Franks "Time to take off your belts" Program

- see last page in this book, where a discussion was opened like a website-page -

Frank hold an impressive little speech before the first groups 20min working site was established.

Maybe he will add summarize some about the content in here still.

PUB!! out of slivowice, so beer, fernet + becherovka

dinner evening program similar to last, written by me


- Hearing "who's going to get more corn?" you become the body of a 5-years old with lemonyellow-

coloured skin - 10 min, keep conversing etc..

when you say "I'm almost ready" you trigger someone into doing everything 50% louder

than (more noise) usually, repeating what he/she has done in the last 10 min.

- When you say: "Could you please hurry up a little", observe someone drawing this

afternoon’s landscape with his/her knees into the air.

When you hear: " Does the Czech Republic have a good soccer-team?" you

respond with "I don't know" and move with the speed of the fire along your spinal-vertebrae



- When you say: "Are we moving to a different campsite tomorrow?" you trigger someone

into constantly changing the surfaces which are in touch with the ground and who thinks


When you hear "Could you please hurry up a little" you draw this afternoon's landscape

with both knees into the air

- When you say: "Does the Czech Republic have a good soccer-team?" you trigger

somebody to move with the speed of the fire in his/her spine

When you hear the song: "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away " you go into the

memory of last days' nap at the bus stop, and move with water in the head

- When you hear: "I'm almost ready" you ask "For what?" and behave like you are stressed

out a the here and now

When you sing: "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away" you observe someone

while getting the memory of yesterday's nap at the bus stop and have water in the head.

- When you hear "Can you pass me the green cup, please?" for 5 min. go and sit, stand or

lie very close to someone else (double as close as you usually would), doing 10% of the

crackling skeleton.

By saying, "who's going to get move corn?" you trigger of someone to be the body of a 5-

years old with lemon-colour sin.

Friday - 13th August WEBSITE PAGE


Milos, Rolf and Osamu lying legs in bush, body a meadow:

1 Long time nothing happened

2 Rolf climbing tree was interesting, but very hidden

3 Rolf sliding uphill - nice surprise

Rolf moving "walking" sideways - surprising quick movement



OBSERVING SAME GROUP AS ABOVE: 10 min unknown territory (Rolf) + 10 min


- The influence of the landscape situation upon the (dancers/movers/bodies)

- here: extremes in difference of visibility, borderline space:

possibilities light&non-light + hidden quality of bushes, density + open wide field

A Milos: very strong no-movement beginning - I believed it - question: is

there a desire to merge with environment (or one of its element) as a priority out ruling


B which part of Osamu is active besides the special "thinker/observer"

> activate this more visibly?

C Rolf+ trickster-moments; where do the "parts" come from, which can so well

be described later from an observer as distinct; flow-search as I watch


FRANK AFTERWARDS: tap on at least some amount of energy-concentration when

we repeat this way of working/kind of work the remaining days

Sjoerd Martin Angela Martina

+ - 8


Martin, Martina, Sjoerd, Angela

basic positions with relations to the places in woods

place position

M&M verticality (wood) sitting

S rocky into

A gently flatting lying


M&M from sitting - to - laying - walking - through

- or - sitting continually

S from into to the details - observing - walking and another

details as smell

A from laying to verticality > expressively

> correlation to the tree

A M? S M?

Saturday, 14th of August

Wake up when sun is on this Bacín meadow.

Breakfast 9.30.

15 min I was manipulating with Ben. Then we start at 10.30 on second

small meadow near camp.

15 min - physical and mental warming up.

Short manipulation - small talk - I have to learn more, trying to ask


1) work 3 min - moving 10 cm/s, all body, brain concentration, head

computer - 4 people working, 4 people watching

2) work 3 min - moving 10 cm/s, all body - without brain concentration -

small talk

3) put angelic face & computer face - 3 min watching faces of other person

4) moving 1 cm/s = starting neutral position, after 4 min go back to the neutral pos.

2 min - computer control body with - angelic face

2 min - body without brain control - thinking face

2 min - computer control body - thinking face

2 min - body without control - angelic face

- same with 10 cm/s

- 15 min - break for coffee and cookies.

Sjoerd's - program

We have to choose numbers from 1 to 8

1= around pond/Frank 5= ridge/Milos

2= tower/Osamu 6= Angela's zone/Rolf

3= cave 1 north /Angela 7= campsite/Martin

4= cave 2 south/Martina 8= space behind campsite with house/Sjoerd

- go to the place, fix your position (immobility), eyes can observe - 10 min

- then you move blindfolded, different speeds 15 min

- then you collect different materials 10 min

- bring to the camp and make some composition on sheet of paper.

- make partners 3/2 5/1 8/7 6/4

- 10 min moving around this composition and thinks from another space.

Short and Sjoerd talk.

Lunch time "Bacín case"

After lunch, working with partner: around pond

1) - 1 person sitting, 1 person standing

after 1 min sitting person closes eyes and standing person draw pond

on sitting person head - 10 min

2) - 2 persons looking on the pond - 1 min

then they draw on each other’s faces - 1st person - moving leaves

2nd person - reflection from leaves

3 - you have to make small sound near partner's ears

Then work with Rolf's instructions. Running through meadow, work with

partner - imitating different animals. I fell mixed with so many animals and

people here.

We need some beer-we are talking about animals and speed in the pub in


Osamu was really good/best, (mosquito).

We are cooking late - "Bacín case"

Windy night.

Sunday, 15th August

# Special windy atmosphere (as in Antonioni's film "Blow up") accompanying

our all day trip

- first exercise in tag train:

first train: Vseradice -Zadní Treban

us behave as individuals not knowing each other

- second train: Zadní Treban - Beroun

we cosy a couples as good friends

- third train: Beroun - Vráz

individual but seeking contact

# Sun light glittering/flickering through the light green leaves of the trees

above on our way down to the Svat¢ Jan Pod Skalou village with an old monastery and

in-cave-built chapel.

# Being all together in the small cave under ground of an old quarry near by

The St. Jane on the way down to Srbsko passing by cascading waterfalls

- exc: free movement in three minutes intervals, no thinking, all together and


Saying goodbye to the Vinarice pub and last supper.

Osamu's diner instructions which were not (at) all executed:


You imitate movements of the left hand of a person on your left side being

10 second late

You see somebody watching very wide using only peripheral view





Draw the surrounding landscape with your body

You see somebody producing the same sounds as the person on his/her right

side but being 10 second later.


Try to produce the same sounds as the person on your right side but being 10

second later.

You see somebody trying to express the whole group "spirit" changing in the



Try to express the whole group "spirit" changing in the time

You see somebody with ... monkey in his/her head

Osamu’s remarks:

Monday, 16th August

s t r o n g e s t e x p e r i e n c e

1 (frank)

birds soaring through the rock

Bacin by night

after Sjoerd's program when taking off blindfold

2 (angela)

dreams (2x) and sensation during day

skeleton big quarry (as group+ w/Milos)

Rolf's umbrella act

sitting on top of Kobyla

sense of power esp. last half of the night program

time conception while moving m/little shocks on top of the "climbing" area by Berounka-river

bugs (skeleton cave) sj. - program

walking from 1mm/sec to fast speed://

O-drawing lake onto skull

arrival at aksamitova brana-cave m/tree - I felt the horse, I swear.

sensing where & where I have no fears.

being taken over / sensing darkness in+out

3 (martin)

walking blindfold into cave & staying for 30 minutes

same cave (later) working with different speeds movements

axamitova brana at night

4 (osamu)

sitting on terrace with Václav

(and later after .......)

5 (milos)

My strongest experience was also the fact we, everybody was able to meet on the

different very strong places in the focused part of the landscape.

I liked best the days where all disciplines was compound in the exercises.

I liked least bad financial fundament of the workshop.

working by night

waterfall sing

lake during SE

walk with Vaclav through the stream

Ben's skip

6 (martina)

I had and I still have so many strongest feelings in different levels. I

said before -" I'm so happy that I have arms and legs (body) "," I did not

know about,

Thank you everybody.

I will have to say more after some time spent in my usual and normal /

working days, place.

7 (rolf)

sitting on terrace (Vaclav)

mosquito (Osamu)

dance martina (Sjoerd's work)

8 (sjoerd)

The Kobyla cave as a space impressed me a lot. Through the group work we did

in the cave I think we got very close to the essence of it. It made me

aware of the generative power it contains, which a lot of spaces lack.

The drawing on the head, first the landscape of our view, later at the pond

put me in a lot of thoughts. I think the relationship, which one establishes

with the direct environment through drawing, is very strong. It is like a

discovery of a new sense. The most interesting is I think the fact the

"geology" of the head one draws on informs the drawing in this way. I feel

there are a certain balance between landscape "geology" and the head geology.

9 (vaclav)

I liked the way the group was perceptive to the landscape so I

became perceptive to a landscape in a different way. It was like drinking

from underground river, which was fed by the landscape and individual

consciousness of other people, all homogenised, strong and gentle.

w h a t l i k e d l e a s t


time on/off <> training!

form of concentration in nature!


other trains ride

other parts of walks

last beer

first part of Rolfs first program. (Why? It was really good!)


the long walk on Friday

sometimes group dynamics (middle to end of 2d week)

boredom without emptiness


I did not like to do things, I did not feel related with:

A Yellow lemon skin (I like the poem, not Bacin space);

B Painting Axamit. Gate, it does not need any art.


- total eclipse

- difficulties to get the rhythm of a slow movements in short pauses between

long wandering / walking distances

- could have been a bit more intensive, especially second half

Note: I should apologise for the mobile (disturbing).


developing one theme of the body moving

intolerance (respect to the mythical viewing of the landscape - Vaclav - is possible to give

on the another’s ways)

(question of rolf: I do not understand the "intolerance")

not so strong connection to the landscape


Bacín part - I can't say 'least', it was different feelings and working


eclipse - day

staying/camping too long on one spot

Milos not being very happy


I guess there were too many walks which did not always connect with the preference of the group

working-walking was sometimes unbalanced - so the intensity dropped.


I believe that for the next time more comfort is needed, which will

attract 3-4 more students, stable cooking assistance, being tired sometimes

opens the doors for different perceptions, more often it blocks it.


I believe that for the next time more comfort is needed, which will

attract 3-4 more students, stable cooking assistance, being tired sometimes

opens the doors for different perceptions, more often it blocks it

w h a t l i k e d b e s t







some train rides

some parts of walks

moments of going to sleep

first slivowitz

swimming (Berounka-river)

seeing a deer while peeing by myself in the woods

"taking off-belt-" work

everything in Kobyla

when physical sensation simply falls together w/surrounding (mirroring-)/or expanding


I like best working in spaces like Kobyla + big quarry

learning the time relativity of movements > any time based art

I appreciate the last work near Srbsko, mainly because we were all involved

in the same time and we finally opened our inner world to others.

I think also of there is a group of people, staying together, for 2 weeks,

it is good to do some piece together.


- good sense of humour

- axamitova cave by night

- new body experiences in the movement

- work a the big quarry - kind of a strange isolation

(especially first day after being a the small dark cave: large scale, openness, sound, colours, sun,

space, skeleton & water work, + stories around)

far way to go down, I found rising strong also

- Vaclav Cilek talks

- overall atmosphere, many layered structures approaches of everybody

- fire-flies


graduation exercises

connection between ones

connection of a humour (Rolf)


Kobyla part - Aksamitova brana, Kobyla mine

all working parts was new for me


2 days in the big quarry

the challenging of Vaclav



to feel life around - the grass I was sleeping on full of action,

the beetles everywhere and very alive making you feel as the real part of

the grassland

Bacín Hill and Vinarice u Berouna

our camp on Bacín hill

our corn dinner


to the Vseradice railway station

our pub


martina tomásková

sjoerd van oevelen

osamu okamura

martin janícek

milos sejn

rolf meesters

angela köhnlein

frank van de ven

vaclav cílek
